Baking Ingredients
Add Carrington Farms flours and powders to your recipes to make better-for-you smoothies and baked goods!
ShopSeeds & Smoothie Ingredients
Our organic grains, seeds and superfoods will add the protein punch you’ve been looking for.
ShopSide Dishes, Salad Toppers & Bread Crumbs
Try our innovative products—Ground Lupin Bean, Crounons, and Keto Bread Crumbs.
ShopSmoothie Mix-Ins
Double down on nutrition with a smoothie made from all your favorite Carrington Farms smoothie ingredients plus delicious and sustainable whey protein powder from our sister brand, simply tera's.
From chia and flax seeds packed with omega-3s and fiber, to MCT and matcha powders for sustained energy, to nutrient-rich superfoods like goji berry and beet root powder, the combinations are simply endless!